隹聿设计 发表于 2021-11-19 11:12:59

隹聿设计 | Narrate phase 述相,温州瑞安185㎡私宅

Narrate phase 述相 / residential design / 2020Project InformationCo-creative designer/ lance 兰斯 Participate in the design/ wly 王利勇Location/ Zhejiang. Ruian,ZhejiangProject area/ 185㎡Design Organization/ atelier zhui yu

For the expression of the mood of the space, it is more likely to be accompanied by practical thinking in the opposite direction. To the internal multiple validation and back and forth, so that the presentation of a more sophisticated and multi-directional research.


Try to redefine the function of one-way location to make it more communicative and interactive, as well as to better simulate the space to give different everyday experiences.


Behind the normal focus, to strengthen the level of life in-depth and re-analysis, from the daily as a cut-in point, to as a space and the concept of the basic point of communication.


The reciprocating process faces the appearance of the spatial content, retaining the spatial narrative at the same time, to express the daily scenario.


Opening is based on the secondary deduction after the interface is closed, but also more able to consider the different dimensions of spatial thinking, let it speak for itself, to restore the ontology to be compatible with the nature, but also in the reverse to verify the variability of space, combined with the premise of work requirements, to make it more coherent.


Think about the impression of space stay, with the daily to describe its external expression of the hidden light. Abandon too much design language transmission, let the normal as a guide, to comb space and space to occur more possibilities, break the original framework also break its inherent life appearance.
兰 斯隹聿设计 创办人 / 设计总监联系邮箱atelier_zyu@163.com / 2894402846@qq.com浙江省温州市瑞安市
关于我们/ About Us成立于2021年的隹聿设计工作室 ‘atelier_zyu’,涉足室内建筑及商业空间等领域类型,致力于探索事物于不同角度的发散认知,以相对述平化的方式来阐述其内在诸多的复杂可能性,借此来挖掘更多维度的设计思考和探讨。
相关理念/ RelatedConcept于通过室内建筑的方式来梳理内络和结构,再对其界限进行重组和再打破,借助既定的格局来强化对相关设计语言的引导性叙述,也意在为项目注入更多的可对外传输点,以此来更有效的反馈到对自身空间的操作性思考。 不设内与外的精准界限,试图通过再结合的方式来连接人与空间,人与人及人与环境的情感维系,也透过更多维的角度发散去重拾日常所被忽略的断层,让回归的意义更落实到日常和更为平凡的事件,再通过我们自己的方式去挖掘更多不同的生活方式探讨和对人性的再思考,让空间更具可考究及情感共鸣的建立。

天然达人 发表于 2021-11-19 12:13:45


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Wengsheng 发表于 2021-11-24 11:12:18


jjyoug 发表于 2021-11-24 13:47:13


yuanzhao419 发表于 2021-11-25 09:23:41

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查看完整版本: 隹聿设计 | Narrate phase 述相,温州瑞安185㎡私宅