达人网eric 发表于 2022-10-10 18:31:28

Mur Mur Lab--上海现所

The Seed in my Heart

《我心中的种子》原文是建筑师Peter St John谈罗西加拉拉特西公寓(Quartiere Gallaratese)的一篇短文。我在2019年5月第一次读到它,之后几乎每个月都会重读一遍。同一时间,我们也正在展开”现所“项目的设计工作,它深深受到这些文字的影响。

《The Seed in my Heart》is an article wrote by architect Peter St John,talking about Quartiere Gallaratese of Rossi. I read the article first on May,2019. Since then, I would read it every month. At that time,we are starting the design work on“Now Space”. We are deeply influenced by these words.

▼项目外观,External view of the project ©WDi


The architecture of Rossi is hard to understand as the theory of Rossi, the concept is quite plain. Quartiere Gallaratese is a huge mass of 200 metres,with a lot of regular caves and windows,the open corridor occupied the whole level of the floor. These simple description almost show all on the contents on façade.

▼沿街立面,Facade facing the street ©WDi


I would like to quote a paragraph in that article, to try to express the abundant feelings in the plain form: “In memory, people wandered in the big and commemorative space, appeared and disappeared: a woman with a shopping bag, some kids, and echos of steps on stair. The atmosphere of the space is strengthened here, like a stage, with dramatic scene, but, is not exaggerated… I don’t wish everyone to like the building. But the design here is indeed a palace for normal people, compared to formal apartment.” And that’s what we want to show in “Now Space”.

▼中庭概览,Over view of the lobby atrium ©WDi

The Generality of Form


“Now Space”is renovated between the gap of two factory buildings, the courtyard is changed into an atrium, with a glass roof adding on top of it. In this way, the façade of the atrium could be treat as the façade of the outside building. We followed almost completely all the form of the old building, only some basic and fundamental renovations are done to it. In the end, the form of the final result is very daily too, it is so normal that it can remind you of the memory of what happened before here.

▼利用天井改造的中庭,The lobby atrium transformed from a courtyard ©WDi

在罗西的实践中,他一直追求一种普遍性的形式。他认为建筑物经久的形式能够随着时间演变而容纳不同的功能,最终成为人们集体性的创造,就像他在法国阿尔勒的剧场(Theaterat Arles),或者威尼斯的杜卡雷王宫(Palazzo Ducale)中看到的那样。

In the practice of Rossi, he kept pursuing the generality of form. He thought the classical form of architecture could change into different volumes with the changing of time, and finally turned out to be the creation of group. As the scene in Rossi’s eye in Theaterat Arles in France, and also the scene in Palazzo Ducale in Venice.

▼建筑内部普遍的形式,The generality of form inside the building ©WDi


In the shadows on the wall of Now Space, all the materials, for example the glass, could be treat as a content in the frame. For example, behind the glass, it could be a restaurant, a bookstore, a church? Or a museum? The daily functions has its monumentality.

▼光影下的中庭,The lobby atrium under sunlight ©WDi

The Traces of Life


Compared to the scene three years ago, when Now Space has just finished, it seemed to be more lively now. It showed the traces people live here, also remind people of the care-taking of our client. I want to also quote a line in the article:”After so many years, when people walk through your building, the traces of sunshine and raindrop, would encourage people to cherish its quality. This building (Quartiere Gallaratese) had sensitive and delicate emotion, as well as monumental quality of city, just like 30 years ago, it moved me deeply. ”

▼投入使用后的内部空间,The interior spaces three years after the construction ©WDi


With no doubt, it is the direction we walk to.

▼走廊近景,Close shot of the corridor ©WDi

▼中庭天花近景,Close shot of the ceiling of the lobby atrium ©WDi

▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan ©Mur Mur Lab

▼二层平面图,First floor plan ©Mur Mur Lab

▼剖面图,Section ©Mur Mur Lab


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