达人网eric 发表于 2022-12-9 15:42:54



After four years of construction, IQON rises 130m making it the tallest building in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito – a city with one of the highest elevations in the world.

▼项目概览,Overall view © BICUBIK

基多在传统上是一个低层建筑密集的城市。十多年前,位于市中心的机场经历了迁址,基多的城市天际线也因此获得了向高处生长的机会。2017年,开发商Uribe Schwarzkopf委托BIG设计一座39万平方英尺的混合用途住宅楼,该项目包括215套住宅、商业单位、办公空间和各类服务设施。除了IQON大楼之外,BIG和Uribe Schwarzkopf还合作打造了位于附近的EPIQ住宅楼,预计将于2023年竣工。

Traditionally a city of dense low-rise buildings, the skyline of Quito was re-imagined following the relocation of the city-center airport over a decade ago. With the skyline able to grow upwards, Uribe Schwarzkopf hired BIG in 2017 to design a 390,000 sq ft mixed-use residential building, including 215 residences, commercial units, office spaces, and a variety of amenities. In addition to IQON, BIG and Uribe Schwarzkopf’s EPIQ Residences, located nearby, is slated to finish construction in 2023.

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Pablo Casals Aguirre

Uribe Schwarzkopf联合创始人Tommy Schwarzkopf表示:“IQON大楼(由BIG设计)和QORNER大楼(由Safdie Architects设计)为基多的建筑、设计和创新发展树立了基石。这两座新建筑不仅塑造了城市的天际线,还见证了我们与全球最知名的优秀建筑师的合作。随着首批居民和企业的入住,我们期待看见每一座建筑都散发出它的活力,并成为城市结构的一部分。”

“IQON (by BIG) and QORNER (by Safdie Architects) represent the ongoing transformation of Quito into a cornerstone of architecture, design and innovation. Not only do the new buildings contribute to the skyline of the city, but celebrate our partnerships with the most exciting, internationally renowned architects in the world. As the first residents move in and businesses begin to take space in the building, we are looking forward to seeing each building come to life and become part of the fabric of the city,” says Tommy Schwarzkopf, Co-Founder, Uribe Schwarzkopf.

IQON rises 130m making it the tallest building in Quito © BICUBIK

▼建筑外观,Exterior view © BICUBIK

IQON大楼被设计为一个垂直的社区,并将附近La Carolina公园的环境一直延续到建筑的外墙上。大楼的体量有一个明显的弧形转弯,它被外部的一系列露台包裹起来,享有公园、城市和皮钦查火山的视野。

IQON is designed as a vertical community, and an extension of the neighboring La Carolina Park, which continues up onto the building facade. The building features a notable curved corner, wrapped by terraces that continue around the building’s perimeter with views of the park, city and over the Pichincha volcano.

▼大楼和公园绿地,The IQON tower and the neighboring park © BICUBIK

▼建筑立面近景,Close-up view to the tower © BICUBIK

▼立面上的“像素块”,The stacked‘pixels’ © Pablo Casals Aguirre

▼扭转的露台,The rotated terraces © BICUBIK


IQON’s architectural identity is defined by its ‘stripped back’ façade; the raw, exposed concrete simultaneously functions as the building’s structure. Individual ‘pixels’ are stacked 32 floors high and rotated to provide the best possible views while simultaneously creating terraces for the apartments. Celebrating native trees and plants, the building integrates greenery wherever possible to take advantage of with Ecuador’s temperate climate and ecology – the country with the most plant species per square meter in the world.

▼裸露的混凝土同时也充当着建筑的支撑结构 © Pablo Casals Aguirre
The raw, exposed concrete simultaneously functions as the building’s structure

▼立面细节,Facade detailed view © BICUBIK

BIG创始人兼创意总监Bjarke Ingels表示:“我们试图将基多所有标志性的品质都融入到垂直维度的体验当中,例如它是地球上生物多样性最丰富的地方之一,并且拥有对人和植物而言都极为宜居的气候环境。IQON是一个由单独住宅联结而成的垂直社区,它将La Carolina公园的环境一路带向建筑的屋顶。”

“We’ve tried to take all the iconic qualities of Quito – such as the enjoyment of living in one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, in a city on the equator where the seasons are perfect for both human and plant life – and bring that experience into the vertical dimension. IQON is an entire vertical community of individual homes; an extension of La Carolina Park that now climbs all the way up to the rooftop,” says Bjarke Ingels, Founder and Creative Director, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group.

▼绿植阳台,The balconies with plants © Pablo Casals Aguirre


The ground floor plaza includes generous public spaces, retail units, and public art. This central plaza functions as a new east-west pathway, connecting the park to the rest of the neighborhood. Upon entering the lobby, the material palette transitions from the raw, pared-back exterior to a more refined aesthetic; marble stone pavers complement the custom millwork reception desk, and concrete touchpoints nod to the façade. Deep emerald-green tones are utilized on the ceiling tiles, mailboxes, and through to the elevator lobby – an area located beyond a blackened- steel portal.

▼入口空间,Entrance area © Pablo Casals Aguirre

▼大厅接待空间,Lobby © Pablo Casals Aguirre


Quito’s biophilia is carried from the public spaces below into the private domain of each home via the sculptural planters that are integrated into the architecture of the building. The planters become a unique concrete sculpture inside the apartments – creating space for the root zone of the tree for the apartment terrace above – while transforming the façade of the building into a celebration of Quito’s verdant biodiversity.

▼公寓露台,Apartment terrace © Pablo Casals Aguirre


The building also acts as an urban tree farm: once the vegetation planted on the terraces outgrows its planter, it can be replanted in parks all over the city. In this way, the building becomes part of a green cycle – from park to building, and back to park.

▼自然元素延续至每间住宅的私人领域,Quito’s biophilia is carried into the private domain of each home © Pablo Casals Aguirre

BIG合伙人Thomas Christoffersen补充道:“每个住宅楼层都设有贯通式的单元,这使公寓得以享受到南北两侧的双露台——不仅带来了俯瞰整个城市的视野,还提供了交叉通风的机会和开放的感觉。”

“Each apartment floor features through-units – apartments that have terraces on both the north and south facades – which not only allows for views across the entire city, but also offers the opportunity for cross ventilation and a sense of openness,” says Thomas Christoffersen, Partner, BIG.

▼公寓视野,View from the apartment © Pablo Casals Aguirre


An integrated lap pool and terraces at the top of the building offer residents a place to relax while overlooking the city. Additional building amenities include a gym and squash court; a spa; a bowling alley; entertainment rooms; and a business center. IQON is the first mixed-use building in Quito to have a preliminary EDGE certification, granted by GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.); and IFC (International Finance Corporation).

▼屋顶泳池平台,Rooftop pool and terraces © Pablo Casals Aguirre

▼建筑顶部视角,The top of the tower © Pablo Casals Aguirre

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Pablo Casals Aguirre

Evanhuang 发表于 2022-12-9 18:11:26


xiongxiaochuan 发表于 2022-12-10 09:10:14

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binfensj 发表于 2022-12-10 11:15:44


Xing 发表于 2022-12-10 12:48:07


Evanhuang 发表于 2022-12-15 10:00:03


Max小马 发表于 2022-12-15 15:11:03


dploog5 发表于 2022-12-19 10:46:03


XU1939 发表于 2023-1-6 08:10:38


Max小马 发表于 2023-1-6 10:36:09

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