繁锦设计 发表于 2022-12-14 15:10:07



“建筑是光线下形状正确、绝妙、又神奇的游戏。”—— 勒·柯布西耶Architecture is the learned game correct and magnificent of forms assembled in the light. – Le Corbusier
项目坐落于风轻云净,椰榈葱茏的海甸岛。考虑到海域城市得天独厚的光照优势,鳞次栉比的拱形门头被设置了结构严谨,疏密有序的线条。落日熔金,暮霭连带着树影投射在门柱雕饰上,无限重复的曲直,将夕阳分割成了灵动多变的景观。The project is located in Haidian Island, where the wind is light and the clouds are clear, and the coconut palms are verdant. Considering the unique light advantage of the sea city, the row upon row of arched gates are set with strict structure, dense and orderly lines. The setting sun melts gold, and the twilight, together with the tree shadows, is projected on the doorpost carvings. The infinitely repeated straightness divides the setting sun into a dynamic and changeable landscape.

全新的建筑体之上,原有的岛屿建筑特色也得以保留。在新与旧之间的平衡下,适当地展示了当地的人文风格。外部停车场模糊了自然与建筑空间之间的界限。棕榈树、灌木和其他灌木丛的大量存在,进一步强化了这种感觉,创造了周围茂密植被的视觉连续性。On top of the new building, the original architectural features of the island are also preserved. Under the balance between the new and the old, the local humanistic style is properly displayed.The exterior parking lot blurs the boundaries between natural and built spaces. This perception is further enhanced by the abundant presence of palm trees, shrubs and other undergrowth, creating visual continuity with the surrounding lush vegetation.

建筑外立面的设计,采用了拱券结构。设计师在原有造型上,加入了线性排列的方式。拱门的外部线条疏敛有序,逐层向内递进;而与之相对应的内墙拱线走势,向外出挑。这种内外呼应的设定,使原本单一的建筑结构,充满了韵律感。The design of the facade of the building adopts the arch structure. The designer added a linear arrangement to the original shape. The external lines of the arches are sparse and orderly, progressive inwards layer by layer; while the corresponding inner wall arch lines trend outwards. This setting of internal and external echoes makes the original single architectural structure full of rhythm.

FAN JIN主创团队秉持「为极致艺术美学提案」这一理念,为悦享.悦盛庭Spa赋予了崭新灵魂。在材料的选择上去繁存简,采用同色系的微水泥,与光交融,营造出海天一色的和谐感。The main creative team of FAN JIN adheres to the concept of "proposing for the ultimate artistic aesthetics", and endows Yuexiang. Yueshengting Spa with a new soul. In the choice of materials, we use the micro-cement of the same color to blend with the light, creating a sense of harmony between the sea and the sky.

昏晓Afterglow━以「落日余晖」作为灵感核心,保留「光」与自然发生交互时的颜色状态,则成了不可或缺的一环。当夕阳透过棕榈叶斜射到沙滩时,地表上浮泛起那层沙棕色,成为了建筑体内外空间的肤色。With "sunset afterglow" as the core of inspiration, preserving the color of light has become an indispensable part. When the setting sun obliquely shines on the beach surface through the palm leaves, a layer of sandy brown floats, becoming the skin color of the interior and exterior spaces of the building.
电影《沙丘》海报 .2021
当太阳绕着穹顶轨迹发生位移时,印在建筑体与空间上的大片光影随之切换角度,重新分配了空间结构。When the sun moves around the track of the dome, the large light and shadow printed on the building body and space switch angles accordingly, redistributing the spatial structure.
图片数字艺术家 Alexey Andreev 作品:《世界的运动》
拙朴如沙棕,载满了来自大自然的秩序印记:平坦的土地、对称的落叶、并排的树干,亦或是重叠的山岩...它们生于远古,以自己的代谢速度生灭、重塑、演化,直至今日,再延续至未来时空。It is as simple as a sand palm, full of imprints of order from nature: flat land, symmetrical fallen leaves, side-by-side tree trunks, or overlapping mountain rocks... They were born in ancient times, born and died at their own metabolic speed, Reshape and evolve, until today, and then continue to the future time and space.
设计手稿 Design Manuscript
隐藏在行云流水的手稿之下的,初始的空间骨骼已经形成。始于对瞬间的念头迅速捕捉,基于对结构关系与细节的反复推敲,持续地把握想法。Hidden under the smooth and smooth manuscript, the initial space skeleton has been formed. It starts with the quick capture of momentary thoughts, and continues to grasp ideas based on repeated deliberations on structural relationships and details.

情绪Mood━在设计师看来,建筑空间本为一体。适当打破二者间的「壁」,辟凿出多个别出心裁的通道,一个墙洞、一个窗孔,抑或一扇门,能让有限的场地,在拥有相对独立区域同时,视野的延展性能达到最佳。From the designer's point of view, the architectural space should be integrated. Appropriately breaking the "wall" between the two, digging out multiple ingenious passages, a wall hole, a window hole, or a door, can make a limited site, while having a relatively independent area, the extension performance of the field of vision reaches optimal.

自然光源的加入,强化了空间的明暗交界线,塑造了静物的体量。微水泥岩穴肌理在与光的互动下,产生出渐变动态的美感。The addition of natural light sources strengthens the boundary between light and shade in the space and shapes the volume of the still life. Under the interaction of the micro-cement cave texture and light, it produces a gradual and dynamic beauty.

当我们把整个空间交予他者时,会期待引起某些情绪反应:在一天之中从日出到日落时分,能在同一场景下,看到所发生的不同变化。或是隔着一扇未来世界的「星桥空间站」窗,看向当代人与建筑、自然的互动,产生一种时空交错的奇妙体验感...这些反应,就发生在他者与空间互动时,在不同通道里的往返过程中。When we hand over the entire space to others, we expect certain emotional responses: from sunrise to sunset during the day, we can see different changes in the same scene. Or look at the interaction between contemporary people, architecture and nature through a window of the "Star Bridge Space Station" in the future world, creating a wonderful experience of interlacing time and space... These reactions occur when others interact with space , in the round-trip process in different channels.

元质Meta━“元质生万物,万物湮灭后又复归于它。”——阿纳克西曼德The meta produces all things, and all things return to it after annihilation.——Ἀναξίμανδρος
元质,Meta,这个词根之于当下的你我,并不陌生。生于混沌的元质,通往未来的元界,皆为人类精神意识挣脱物质世界后的产物。Meta, this word root is no stranger to you and me today. Born in the primordial matter of chaos, the metaverse leading to the future is the product of human spiritual consciousness breaking away from the material world.

水、光,乃至植物和风,当这些元素根据人的意念从原生的自然中抽象出来,它们就趋向了「升腾」的神性。Water, light, and even plants and wind, when these elements are abstracted from the original nature according to human ideas, they tend to be divine.

构成万物存在和统一的实体只有一个,就是自然界,而「神即自然」。以佛珠为介,接天引地,当人们一直盯着这串佛珠看,慢慢地,意识触及「元质」后,会进入一种类乎禅修的宁静。There is only one entity that constitutes the existence and unity of all things, which is the natural world, and "God is nature". The Buddha beads are used as the medium to connect the sky and the earth. When people keep staring at this string of Buddha beads, slowly, after their consciousness touches the "primary quality", they will enter a kind of tranquility similar to meditation.

“你站在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。”——卞之琳“You standing on the bridge are gazing at the scenery;someone watching the landscape aloft from the balcony is gazing at you.”—— Zhilin Bian
石,作为土元素的代表,为「沉降」的恒常性。形而下者谓之「器」,山石就是天地间的原始大型容器,起着遮风避雨,抵御外界伤害的作用。抬手触碰洞石在岁月打磨下形态随性而疏密有致的肌理,我们的意识回溯到千万年前,人类诞生之初的原始的内蕴。Stone, as the representative of the earth element, is the constancy of "settlement". Physically, it is called "vessel". Mountains and rocks are the original large containers between heaven and earth, which play the role of sheltering from wind and rain and resisting external damage. Raising our hands to touch the casual and dense texture of the travertine polished by the years, our consciousness goes back thousands of years ago, the original connotation at the beginning of the birth of human beings.

在一个高度工业化的城市社会中生活的人类,早已失去了健康、自然的生活方式,最终也失去了与身体感官的广泛接触。于是以「禅茶」、「冥想」与「香道」为代表的身心灵文化兴起了,它成为了人类感官与自然世界之间为数不多的链接通道了。Human beings living in a highly industrialized urban society have long since lost a healthy, natural way of life and eventually lost extensive contact with bodily senses. As a result, the body, mind and soul culture represented by "Zen Tea", "Meditation" and "Incense Taoism" emerged, and it became one of the few channels connecting human senses and the natural world.

元质为自然界一股庞大且无形的「动力」,以「气」的形式推动。火是稀薄了的气,气可以化为水,凝固后就化成土,变成石头。一切生命体基于自体机能运作的所有过程,终将形成一个闭环的圆。Essence is a huge and invisible "power" in nature, which is promoted in the form of "Air". Fire is air that has been thinned out. Air can turn into water, and when solidified, it turns into earth and stone. All the processes of all life forms based on their own functions will eventually form a closed circle.

静能生慧,内心越是平静,便越有助于观察意识的流动。将身体彻底交给空间,拾阶而上,以起点为圆心,绕着圆周轨迹不停循环时,人的动线便形成了一个风眼。Stillness can produce wisdom, the more peaceful the heart is, the more conducive it is to observe the flow of consciousness. Give the body completely to the space, pick up the steps, take the starting point as the center, and when the circular trajectory is constantly circulating, the moving line of the person forms a wind eye.

共振Resonance━结束了对外部空间场域的「开放性」探寻,我们开始琢磨具备隐私性的封闭空间。流畅、轻盈、优雅的弧面逐层向外壁扩张,犹清风下的水面涟漪,传递了柔性的视觉语言,有助于人们随着水性律动,逐渐打开身心。Ending the exploration of the "openness" of the external space field, we began to ponder the closed space with privacy. The smooth, light and elegant curved surface expands to the outer wall layer by layer, just like the ripples on the water surface under the breeze, conveying a flexible visual language, which helps people gradually open up their bodies and minds with the rhythm of the water.

纯白棉麻、篾黄竹编、实木桌椅,那些充斥着原始自然生命的印记,能让人忘却尘,放空心灵,找到这一片超脱凡俗的神仙之地。Pure white cotton and linen, bamboo strips and yellow bamboo, solid wood tables and chairs, those imprints full of primitive natural life can make people forget the dust, empty their minds, and find this extraordinary land of immortals.

用内建筑的方式让梁位结构交织,形成错落有致的拱顶单元。每一个细节,每一个转角,视线内都构成微妙静谧的美感。The beam structure is interlaced in the way of internal architecture to form well-proportioned vault units. Every detail, every corner, within sight constitutes a subtle and quiet beauty.

当我们透过镜像波浪,去追溯那道海岸线,去细细感应太阳落点、空间气温,还有浪花带来的不同听觉的感受,能产生不同层次的沉思冥想。When we trace the coastline through the mirrored greenery, and feel the sun setting, the temperature of the space, and the different auditory feelings brought by the waves, we can produce different levels of meditation. Like flowing water coming and going, like clouds curling and relaxing. Go to a sunset date.


Project Name: YUE SHENG TING SPA Healing Hall
Project Location:Haikou, China
Design Company:FAN JIN Design Co,Ltd,Chengdu
Design Area:1500㎡
Design Content:Hard Decoration Soft Decoration
Creative Director:Xiao Yulong
主案设计:肖玉龙、王慧 / FAN JIN 繁锦设计
Master Case Design:Xiao Yulong Wang Hui/ FAN JIN Design
Deepening Design:WangYan, Dai Lei , Luo Xingbing ,Wang Zewei, Arvin, Zhang Zongyi
软装设计:黄曼 / FAN JIN 繁锦软装
Soft Decoration Design:Huang Man / FAN JIN Soft Decoration
项目视频:普尤、Yao/ 又与
Project Video:Puyou, Yao/ Youyu
Design Time:May 2022
Completion Time:November 2022

FAN JIN 繁锦设计创始人
成都繁锦室内设计有限公司,亦可称为 FAN JIN DESIGN繁锦设计,寓意心有繁花似锦,眼有星辰大海。FAN JIN DESIGN团队秉承“为极致艺术美学提案”这一理念塑造不同的空间维度,专注于建筑景观室内一体化空间设计、软装配饰设计领域,服务范畴包括商业空间、酒店空间、会所空间、办公空间、售楼中心等。

作为综合性专业设计公司我们致力为甲方提供设计、硬装、软装、艺术品的全案解决方案。FAN JIN DESIGN将艺术和技术完美的有机结合,实现有灵魂高品质的设计作品,为每一个项目营造出无限的可能性和未来性。

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