淩傑內建築設計 发表于 2022-12-23 16:03:07


The Moral Scripture says, ‘The beginning of everything, the main road to simplicity, reproduction to reproduction.'
Just right cleanIt's a wonderful sceneMinimalism is close to ZenI can feel it, but I can't say it

设计师随笔Designer essay
02.解构与重组Deconstruction and restructuring
Life is not about maximizing everythingIt's about giving something backFor example, light, space, form, tranquility, happinessMountains and rivers, but that's it, only touch the earthOnly then can we be reborn in deconstruction and understand the balance under restructuring

中式禅意落地灯遥遥相望,Butterfly Stool与茶几迩遐呼应。纯真的白置于视野中心,天花与地面引而伸之,空间触类而长更显通透。日光沐浴下,浅木色柔光静溢,静物也赋有温度。
The Chinese Zen floor lamp is far away, and Butterfly Stool echoes the tea table. Pure white is placed in the center of vision, and the ceiling and the ground are stretched, and the space is longer and more transparent. Under the sunshine, the light wood color is soft and radiant, and the still life is also endowed with temperature.

Take a close look and write vertically and horizontally. The pouring of light, disappearing in the heart, is more like the washing of the soul. The cave is clear and clear, and there is also a scene under the open space. The moist beauty of utensils, the tranquility of space, is the environment.

Bamboo lanterns reflect the freedom and authenticity of pottery. Cloth dining chairs are collaged with wood color, and pure black dots jump on paper while restrained.

The light coming out of the Maza lamp is calm and warm, clear and orderly, breaking the stereotypes of the space box, and is a vivid expression of the vitality of space. The gap lamp, as its name implies, is true and dark, rhythm and flow, and is the only way for users to resonate with space.
03.氤氲而化醇Dense and mellow
Lingshan is full of beautiful colors and empty waterAll you can see is Vientiane without bordersWhen you hang your hand, everything is mellowA fusion of penetrating, symbolic, and possibilitiesThe more profound the carrying of space isthe more emotional it is

The stack of light and thread, step by step, silk fabric chandelier balance space, yarn curtain leak bright light, time is quiet.

The light moves out of the original texture, and the stone texture is not only visual enjoyment but also touchable, beautiful, but also magnificent.

The space is properly white, giving the interior light without vulgarity, and the wood decoration extends to the ceiling, giving the exterior no dull decoration.

The space flows quietly like liquid, and the mirror is as cold as the heart of water. The air is like a rainbow.
设计团队 / 凌杰内建筑Design Team / Ling Jie Architectural
项目地址 / 台州-临海Project Address / Taizhou-Linhai
设计面积 / 210㎡Interior Area / 210㎡
设计时间 / 2022Design Time / 2022

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查看完整版本: 凌杰内建筑设计--台州临海210㎡住宅