葉设计 发表于 2023-3-21 10:21:15




家是生活的堡垒,庇护着游荡的身体与灵魂,与生活牢牢相扣,这种隐约而又紧密的连接,是浓厚的情感传递。Home is the fortress of life, sheltering the wandering body and soul, firmly attached to life, this vague but close connection, is a strong emotional transmission.

幸福的空间没有标准,平衡每个家庭成员的生活方式,为每种习惯找到可以安放的位置,让家变成最柔软的地方,就像是一束温暖的阳光,让每一朵向日葵都心之所向。There is no standard for a happy space, balancing the lifestyles of each family member and finding a place for each habit to rest, making the home the softest place, like a warm ray of sunshine that makes every sunflower's heart go out to it.
01 和谐之美 The Beauty of Harmony

山与海兼具、天地人相应的和合文化山与设计艺术相互融合,相互交织,在空间中呈现出独特的魅力。Mountains and sea both, heaven and earth and people corresponding to the harmony culture mountain and design art fused with each other, intertwined, presenting a unique charm in the space.

硬朗外表下流水温柔地涌动,空间的灵动得到升华,展现出传统底蕴下现代都市的个性生活态度,美学的应用在空间中碰撞出更多的浪漫。The hard appearance of the flowing water gently surges, the spirituality of the space is sublimated, showing the traditional heritage of the modern city's individual attitude to life, and the application of aesthetics collides with more romance in the space.

以轻奢为主调,简洁的外表下,隐藏着精致生活的贵族气息,不同材质间的碰撞融合,突显出主人家不凡的品味。With light luxury as the main tone, the aristocratic atmosphere of exquisite life is hidden under the simple appearance, and the collision and fusion between different materials highlight the extraordinary taste of the owner's family.

用简洁的设计拥有自由随性的家居生活,暂离喧闹繁华的都市,置身开阔明朗的自然,以一座轻奢美墅,拉开一幕纯粹洒脱的人生旅程。With a simple design and a free and spontaneous home life, you can leave the noisy and prosperous city for a while and be in the open and bright nature, and start a pure and free life journey with a light and luxurious villa.
02 沐光而行Walk in the light

柯布西耶说,“氛围生于光,空间成于光,建筑诉诸于光。”Corbusier said, "The atmosphere is born of light, space becomes light, and architecture resorts to light."

光与影的故事在空间里悄然发生,一面是向阳的自然典雅,一面是沉稳的质感雅奢,简约明朗的色块与线条,游走并贯穿了整座别墅。The story of light and shadow happens quietly in the space, with the natural elegance of sunlight on one side and the elegant luxury of subdued texture on the other, with simple and clear color blocks and lines that wander and run through the whole villa.

用简单的装饰凸显空间的美感,在光影的变化中营造出恰如其分的氛围感。Simple decorations highlight the beauty of the space, creating the right sense of atmosphere in the change of light and shadow.

归家之时便卸下繁忙与琐碎,借由设计置身于自然的温柔好和艺术的美好,忘却时间流逝,享受这一瞬的安宁。When you return home, you can unload the busy and trivial, and by design, you can be in the gentle goodness of nature and the beauty of art, forgetting the passage of time and enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
03 线条韵律Rhythm of lines

纤细的铁艺串联起了每一个书架,空间更加简洁通透,却不失华丽和精致,犹如琴弦竖立空中,轻轻拨动即是知识的赞歌,悠扬的乐声在阁楼里回荡。The slender iron art strings up each bookshelf, the space is more simple and transparent, but does not lose the magnificent and exquisite, as if the string is erected in the air, gently plucked that is the hymn of knowledge, the melodious music reverberates in the attic.

极其简单的线条也能勾勒出最具灵性的空间,无需糅杂过多的材质配色,保留原始的纯粹的同时,也足以令人感到惊艳,干净利落的直线、流动如水的曲线,组合成了妙不可言的空间语言。The most spiritual space can be drawn from extremely simple lines, without mixing too many materials and colors, while retaining the purity of the original, but also enough to feel amazing, clean and straight lines, flowing like water curves, combined into a wonderful language of space.

设计不止是单纯的技巧表达,它是对时代潮流思考后的答案:平衡与周围关系的隐性需求,不断地接近,然后表达内心最真实的思考。Design is more than a mere expression of skill, it is the answer after thinking about the trend of the times: balancing the hidden needs in relation to the surrounding, constantly approaching, and then expressing the most authentic thinking of the heart.

当目光所及之处皆是细节的品质,生活的格调便由此显现,从推开门的那一刻开始,未来无数个美好的四季,都会如期而至,当一切都恰到好处之时,家就成了一曲和谐的乐章,那演奏着的就是典雅的生活。When there are details of quality everywhere you look, the style of life will be revealed, and from the moment you push open the door, countless beautiful seasons will come in the future, and when everything is just right, home becomes a harmonious piece of music, and what is played is an elegant life.
Project Information
项目地址 | 台州路桥横街
设计公司 | 叶设计项目类型 | 全案设计施工总设计师 | 叶祥宝设计团队 | 王聪颖张笑微徐卡迪项目摄影 | 单行线空间摄影



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