达人网eric 发表于 2022-4-8 14:49:02

Taller ADG + Estudio MDB--洛杉矶Damian餐厅


Damian is found within the Arts District of Los Angeles, California. This zone currently holds an outstanding number of repurposed industrial warehouses, which have brought new businesses, such as art galleries, workshops, restaurants, and coffee shops, preserving the neighborhood’s essence; having become a hot spot for the culinary culture, filled with art on every corner, displaying buildings with beautiful brick walls, as well as factories and warehouses built at the beginning of the 20th century. The restaurant lies in the intervention of an old warehouse, preserving the building’s original configuration, thus producing a modern space with an industrial setting, creating a unique place to dine at. Thanks to the vegetation and greenery, a unique environment is created, giving the sensation of inhabiting a space carved by time and nature.

▼临街外观,street view ©Onnis Luque


The restaurant is divided into 4 sections; the main dining area inside the industrial complex, the central terrace (surrounded by buildings and warehouses), the kitchen is located on the ground floor of an already-existing building and a backyard that serves a small taco shop called Ditroit. On the back, a dining room reserved for private events, bounded by green curtains and greenish-gray stucco walls. The central terrace with a lounge and tables is bounded by the remaining rusted ironworks of the industrial complex, creating a unique environment. At the center, two trees bring their shade, generating a relaxed and fresh environment. All the perimeter is covered by planters, and the space has a retractable ceiling with a black metallic structure.

▼中央露台一瞥,a glance to the central terrace ©Onnis Luque

▼中央露台被工业综合体遗留的生锈铁件所包围 ©Onnis Luque
the central terrace is bounded by the remaining rusted ironworks of the industrial complex

▼环境独特的用餐区,unique dining area ©Onnis Luque

the retractable ceiling with a black metallic structure ©Onnis Luque

▼后院,the backyard ©Onnis Luque


Exposed concrete is the main material used for the floors, planters and benchers in order to preserve the essence of this space. A dark gray environment is provided for the tables, accompanied by fabrics in different shades of gray, in order to maintain the color palette, complemented by black chairs.

▼餐厅入口,entrance ©Onnis Luque

▼餐厅概览,overall view of the restaurant ©Onnis Luque

▼用餐区,dining area ©Onnis Luque

▼吧台,the bar ©Onnis Luque

▼吧台细部,detail ©Onnis Luque

▼私人用餐区,private dining area ©Onnis Luque


The building with the kitchen and office is next to the terrace, respecting the structure of the industrial complex, with white color inside, leaving all windows and ironwork in their rusty condition. An area of the kitchen is set aside for the taco shop, which gives service through windows that face the building’s backyard.

▼平面图,plan ©Taller ADG + Estudio MDB

▼剖面图1,section 1 ©Taller ADG + Estudio MDB

▼剖面图2,section 2 ©Taller ADG + Estudio MDB

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查看完整版本: Taller ADG + Estudio MDB--洛杉矶Damian餐厅