达人网eric 发表于 2022-12-13 16:01:33

光合作用设计--苏州Gravitation Space


In their ongoing experiments, they have discovered how to store knowledge in the structure of space itself and permanently condense their thoughts into a light lattice.
—2001:A Space Odyssey

未来发生于现在。当我们打破时间、空间,去触摸所谓幻想,那么永恒已经到来。启动一切的按钮,就藏在Gravitation Space。

The future takes place in the present.When we break time and space to reach the so-called fantasy, we have arrived at eternity. The start button for everything is hidden in Gravitation Space.

▼店铺外观概览,overview of the exterior ©ECHO VISION

01. 新生
New Life

在电影《2001:太空漫游》中,一块黑石不期而现,它蕴藏着一股神秘的力量,引领人类走向新的进化。我们将此定义为新生而不是初生,是不希望赋予“起源”固定的说辞,而把这个概念交给每个人自行联想。创造Gravitation Space,就是在创造新的自己。

In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, an unexpected black stone appears, containing a mysterious force that leads mankind to a new evolution. This is referred to as a new life rather than a new birth. We don’t want to give the “origin” a fixed rhetoric, but rather let everyone associate this concept with themselves. Creating Gravitation Space is the same as creating a new self.

▼店铺外观近景,close shot of the exterior ©ECHO VISION

以电影中的黑石为灵感来源,选用黑色长方体造设吧台,分割空间,同时放置这样一个假定:到达Gravitation Space,就触及一次“进化新生”的开关。作为初创品牌,Gravitation Coffee并非单纯意义上的“一家咖啡店的诞生”,是基于人际环境蜕变后品牌理念的初次构建,这是我们空间呈现的第一要义。

▼ 轴测图,axonometric drawing ©GROW SPACE

A black cuboid, inspired by Blackstone in the film, is used to construct a bar to divide the space. At the same time, it is assumed that when you reach Gravitation Space, you will activate the “evolution and rebirth” switch. Gravitation Coffee, as a start-up brand, is more than just “the birth of a coffee shop,” but also the first construction of a brand concept based on the transformation of interpersonal environment, which is the first essence of our space presentation.

▼前客区概览,overview of the front area ©ECHO VISION

▼前客区用餐空间,dining space at the front area ©ECHO VISION

▼前客区展示空间,display space at the front area ©ECHO VISION


The other areas, with the exception of the bar area, are relatively free, and we avoid absolutes in order to explore a deeper level of rambling. A new life that never comes to an end.

▼店铺室外空间,outdoor space of the store ©ECHO VISION

02. 解构

电影中,人类文明在“黑石”指点下飞速进化,直至进入浩瀚宇宙探索奥秘,我们不必去探讨可知论或是不可知论的观点,将目光聚焦于数学上的有限空间,Gravitation Space,是否能成为无边际的空间?

In the film, human civilization advanced rapidly under the leadership of “Blackstone” until it ventured into the vast universe to investigate mysteries. We don’t need to investigate agnosticism or agnosticism, but rather concentrate on the limited space in mathematics. Is it possible for Gravitation Space to become infinite?

▼前客区和后客区之间的不锈钢隔断,the metal partition between the front area and the back area ©ECHO VISION


Jacques Derrida proposed the concept of “deconstruction,” arguing that the established order’s knowledge system, thinking set, and even pre-existing human beings should be dismantled and rebuilt without the center and authority. We introduce the deconstruction principle here in the hope of releasing the infinite possibilities of form and volume, which is an undefined space.

▼不锈钢隔断正面概览,front view the metal partition ©ECHO VISION


By incorporating rotating forms into the opening and closing design, a new spatial experience is created, with a momentary sense of fragmentation that gives the illusion of being transported into a time warp. This is a passage that connects the past, present and future. At the top, a blocky layout is created, independent of each other and linked together. The use of lighting changes also enhances the jump in perception and highlights the diversity of the scene.

▼可以变换开合的不锈钢隔断,the metal partition can change the space by adjusting it’s opening ©ECHO VISION


The remodeling of space, the extension of functions, and the overturning of emotions are all completed in this fascinating interaction.

▼不锈钢隔断处灯光变化,lighting changes at the metal partition ©ECHO VISION

03. 自我


In a grand and profound system, 2001: A Space Odyssey discusses the origin and trajectory of human civilization. The most basic question arises from this: what is humankind’s pursuit beyond time and space?

▼不锈钢隔断近景,close shot of the metal partition ©ECHO VISION

这听起来似乎是个哲学问题,但我们想从生活化的角度切入去窥探本质,一杯咖啡、一句对白、一场展览,Gravitation Space不仅仅是个载体,更像是一个指路者,如同电影中的“黑石”,带领我们参与其中,找到自己的存在。

It sounds like a philosophical question, but we want to look at it from a practical standpoint. Gravitation is a cup of coffee, a conversation, and an exhibition. Space, like the “Blackstone” in the film, is both a carrier and a guide, leading us to participate in it and discover our own existence.

▼后客区走廊,walkway at the back area ©ECHO VISION

思想的漫游,终究要回归自我。这种自我并不超脱于物质而存在,在真实的物质世界,于社交领域内彼此试探、回应,如同电影所说“把思想永久凝聚成光格”,那就是Gravitation Space存在的意义。

Thoughts will eventually return to themselves. This type of self does not exist beyond the material, but it tries and responds to each other in the social field in the real material world. The significance of Gravitation Space, as stated in the film, is that “thought is permanently condensed into a light grid.”

▼后客区概览,overview of the back area ©ECHO VISION

▼后客区空间,the back area ©ECHO VISION


《小王子》里写:“对于未来,你的任务不是去预知它,而是去启动它。”Gravitation Space《2001:太空漫游》概念店,未来正在发生。

“For the future, your task is not to predict it, but to begin it,” says “The Little Prince.” Gravitation Space “concept store, the future is happening.”

▼天花细部近景,close shot of the ceiling ©ECHO VISION

▼墙面细部近景,close shot of the wall ©ECHO VISION

项目名称:Gravitation Space

Xing 发表于 2022-12-14 09:50:47


Max小马 发表于 2022-12-20 15:08:51


吴永朋 发表于 2023-1-10 09:26:01


497774663 发表于 2023-2-17 09:38:48

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