
Studio Prineas--新旧美学的哲学基础
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-9-4 00:51:40 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Studio Prineas由设计师Eva-Marie Prineas于2004年创立。Eva-Marie对文物保护和可持续设计的背景和热情构成了Studio Prineas理解和适应特殊美学的哲学基础。
Eva-Marie Prineas founded Studio Prineas in 2004. Her background and passion for heritage conservation and sustainable design forms the basis of the Studio Prineas philosophy of understanding and adapting places that are already special.

Eva-Marie was a co-founder of DARCH – the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) group for emerging architects, and maintains a role as guest critic at the University of Sydney. She is also an examiner for the architects’ registration exam at the NSW Board of Architects. In 2007 Eva-Marie was elected onto the NSW Chapter Council for the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and has continued to contribute to numerous juries including the AIA Awards.

Eva-Marie Prineas善于将新旧元素融合在一起,她知道如何在在预算范围内实现奢华、愉悦和慷慨。但最重要的是,她的作品是永恒的,同时具有相关性和令人难以置信的真实性,她公司的规模意味着她关注于设计所产生的每一个细节。
Eva-Marie Prineas has brilliant nuance in mixing old and new, and knows how to introduce luxury, delight and generosity while working to a budget. But mostly, her work is timeless while being pertinent and incredibly authentic, and the scale of her firm means she invests in every detail produced by it.

Eva-Marie’s award-winning approach to design stems from an intuitive understanding of what to keep and what to cleverly adapt in her projects. She prides herself on her studio’s collaborative skills and personally invests in client relationships to ensure each project is a combined effort with a shared vision.


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