
Rob Kennon--改善建筑与室内的环境
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-4-11 21:04:19 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Rob Kennon Architects是一家位于澳大利亚的住宅建筑工作室,由建筑师Rob Kennon于2011年创立,拥有一系列住宅和商业项目,专注于可持续规划和遗产条件的考虑。。
Rob Kennon Architects is an Australian residential construction studio founded in 2011 by architect Rob Kennon with a range of residential and commercial projects focused on sustainable planning and consideration of heritage conditions.

Rob毕业于墨尔本大学,并获得了规划与设计学士一等荣誉和建筑硕士学位。他被授予Ernest Fooks纪念设计奖,并入选Dean荣誉榜。
Rob graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Planning and Design First Class Honours and a Master of Architecture. He was awarded the Ernest Fooks Memorial Award for Design and was selected in the Dean’s Honours List.

Rob曾在Bochsler&Partners工作,凭借多年与墨尔本最具影响力和最受尊敬的设计公司Bates Smart和Jackson Clements Burrows合作的经验,成立了Rob Kennon Architects。
Rob has worked for Bochsler & Partners, and has established Rob Kennon Architects with years of experience with Melbourne's most influential and respected design practices, Bates Smart and Jackson Clements Burrows.

Rob Kennon Architects的目标是提供最好的建筑,室内和城市设计,以改善建筑环境。空间,光线和纹理的调整与设计过程中的特定技能和关注相关,并辅以所有参与者之间的建设性参与。
Rob Kennon Architects' goal is to provide the best architectural, interior and urban design to improve the built environment. The adjustment of space, light and texture is related to specific skills and concerns in the design process, complemented by constructive engagement among all participants.

Rob Kennon Architects重视结构的完整性,建筑物的构建方式是其审美影响的核心,欣赏工艺和发明,并鼓励惊喜和喜悦的元素。
Rob Kennon Architects values the integrity of the structure, the way the building is built is at the heart of its aesthetic influence, admiring craftsmanship and invention, and encouraging elements of surprise and joy.


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