
Andre Mellone--对细节与精致的关注
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-8-28 21:55:17 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Andre Mellone是一位纽约的巴西室内设计师,拥有在纽约设计界20年的设计经验,主要专注于私人住宅,同时开发零售,商业和产品设计项目的互补组合。
Andre Mellone is a brazilian interior designer based in New York. A 20-year veteran of the city’sdesign community. He focuses on private homes and residences, while developing a complementary portfolio of retail, commercial and product design projects.

Andre Mellone出生于圣保罗,在一个艺术家庭长大,他的父亲Oswaldo,是一位著名的工业设计师。大学毕业后,Andre Mellone第一份工作是为建筑师Robert A.M.工作,并在已故Mark Hampton的指导下转向室内设计,最终在2012年建立工作室。

Andre Mellone grewup in an artistic family in San Paulo. His father, Oswaldo, is a celebratedindustrial designer. His first job after college was for architect Robert A.M. Under the direction of the late Mark Hampton, he turned to interior design and eventually set up his studio in 2012. Before setting up the studio in 2012.

Andre Mellone对精致的关注为他赢得了一个个精明的客户,其中包括时尚和艺术领域的有影响力的人物。

His eyes forrefinement has won him a savvy clientele that includes influential figures in the worlds of fashion and art.

”我在职业生涯的早期曾为很多古典主义者工作过,但在内心深处,我更像是一个极简主义者,我只是开始充分表达这一点。”Andre Mellone说。“我喜欢对称和简单的形式,想创造有趣,分层和丰富的室内设计但又有一些我的东西,即使它是在潜意识中表达的。“

“I worked for a lot of classicists early in my career, but deep down I’m more of a minimalist, and I’m justbeginning to fully express that,” Andre Mellone says. “I like symmetry and a simplicity of form. I want to create interiors that are interesting, layered, and rich but have something of me, even if it’s expressed subconsciously.”


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