
Kevin O’sullivan--对现代主义建筑情有独钟
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-11-23 20:18:11 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Kevin O’sullivan and Associates是一家位于纽约和汉普顿的建筑设计公司,由设计师Kevin O’sullivan创立。该公司服务于各种客户需求,包括城市和乡村住宅的建筑与室内设计,以及定制家具。
Kevin O 'sullivan and Associates is an architectural design firm based in New York and the hamptons, founded by designer Kevin O 'sullivan. The company caters to a variety of customer needs, including architectural and interior design of urban and rural homes, as well as custom furniture.

Kevin O’sullivan出生于苏格兰,毕业于爱丁堡大学并获得建筑荣誉学位。在2001年成立Kevin O’sullivan and Associates之前,他曾在国际著名的建筑事务所做过学徒,其中包括伦敦的Michael Hopkins事务所、新加坡的DP建筑事务所和纽约的Gwathmey Siegel事务所。

Kevin O 'sullivan was born in Scotland and graduated from the university of Edinburgh with an honorary degree in architecture. Prior to founding Kevin O 'sullivan and Associates in 2001, Kevin had apprenticed with internationally renowned architecture firms including Michael Hopkins in London, DP architects in Singapore and Gwathmey Siegel in New York.

Kevin O’sullivan 是一个现代主义者,对现代主义形式的一切建筑设计情有独钟。23年前他偶然来到纽约,开始了他的职业生涯。他曾从苏格兰出发到亚洲并在那呆了五年,后面定居于纽约。

Kevin O 'sullivan is a modernist with a special preference for all architectural designs in the form of modernism. He started his career in New York by accident 23 years ago. He had gone from Scotland to Asia and stayed there for five years before settling in New York.


Kevin’s education and international experience have enabled him to integrate classical proportions with contemporary design styles. His work reflects over twenty years of experience and his desire to support sophisticated lifestyles with the best of classical European forms, contemporary materials, and subtle design elements.


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