
Donna Mondi--创造新与旧的完美融合
禾木木  / 发表于 2019-12-9 22:53:38 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Donna Mondi 是位于芝加哥一家全方位服务的专业室内设计公司,由Donna Mondi创立,致力于创造室内和捕捉建筑的本质和客户的个性。Donna Mondi被认为是芝加哥的顶级室内设计师之一,她的个人风格以其独特的方式将欧洲的成熟与现代的前卫融合在一起而闻名。Donna Mondi创造了新与旧的完美融合,致力于为客户带来最新的趋势,同时平衡空间与历史或复古元素。
Donna Mondi is a chicago-based full-service professional Interior design firm founded by Donna Mondi to create interiors and capture the essence of architecture and the client's personality.Donna Mondi is considered one of Chicago's top interior designers, and her personal style is known for its unique way of blending European sophistication with modern avant-garde. Donna Mondi creates a perfect blend of old and new, dedicated to bringing the latest trends to clients while balancing space with historical or vintage elements.

Modern Sophistication
时髦 奢华 惊喜

位于黄金海岸令人垂涎的沃尔顿9号豪华高楼,这个现代复杂的时尚公寓充分体现了Donna Mondi 欧洲古典风格的设计。一位时髦的母亲和她两个可爱的女儿想要一个时尚前卫的家,既奢华又舒适,但又有棱角。她们都喜欢黑色和白色,这是设计的基础。Donna Mondi 通过丰富的纹理、有趣的模式、动态照明和一些惊喜使之成为一个家。

Located in the coveted Walton 9 luxury tower on the gold coast, this contemporary complex of stylish apartments embodies the Donna Mondi's European classical design. A stylish mother and her two adorable daughters wanted a stylish home that was luxurious and comfortable but angular. They both like black and white, which is the basis of the design. The Donna Mondi makes a home with rich textures, interesting patterns, dynamic lighting, and a few surprises.

No.9 Walton
艺术 纹理 动态

这座豪华高层住宅位于芝加哥黄金海岸的高档社区,由Donna Mondi 设计。当客户说他们喜欢色彩时,Donna Mondi 借此机会打破中立的循环,用深青色,淡黄色和紅褐色来补充它们,而不是选择无视它们。 公寓内的定制地毯和家具始终具有动态照明,并且委托艺术品通过颜色,纹理和主题来统一每个空间。

Designed by Donna Mondi, this luxury high-rise is located in an upscale neighborhood on Chicago's gold coast. When clients say they love color, Donna Mondi takes the opportunity to break the neutral cycle and complement them with dark cyan, light yellow, and reddish brown, rather than choosing to ignore them. Custom carpets and furniture throughout the apartment feature dynamic lighting, and commissioned artworks unify each space through color, texture and theme.

Transitional Renovation
鲜明 金属 别致

Donna Mondi 开始了他们的工作,他们把这个家变成了客户在未来几年里都会喜欢的地方。这个年轻的家庭在完美小镇上的完美的角落里购买他们认为最完美的房子时,他们很快意识到没有什么是正确的。

The Donna Mondi team set out to make the home a place that clients will love for years to come. When the young family bought what they thought was the perfect house in the perfect corner of the perfect town, they quickly realized that nothing was right.

但一切从Donna Mondi 的翻新开始:深色的颜色,沉重的木制品,传统的橱柜,拱形的门道被拉直了,木结构被简化了,新的入口门打开了门厅,捕捉到了非常需要的自然光。全新的白色厨房,配以古色古香的镜子和金属后挡板,进一步扩大了空间。家具通过混合丰富的纹理与光滑的表面和鲜明的颜色在每个房间创造意想不到的惊喜。
But it all started with the renovation of the Donna Mondi: dark colors, heavy woodwork, traditional cabinetry, arched doorways that were straightened, wooden structures that were simplified, and new entrance doors that opened the foyer to capture much needed natural light. A new white kitchen with antique mirrors and a metal tailgate further expands the space. The furniture creates unexpected surprises in each room by mixing rich textures with smooth surfaces and bright colors.


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