
Joe Adsett--现代诗意般的豪宅
禾木木  / 发表于 2020-5-31 15:47:12 |精品样板·严选  / ★国外住宅




Joe Adsett Architects是一家屡获殊荣的建筑及室内设计工作室,总部位于澳大利亚昆士兰。该工作室由创始人Joe Adsett成立于2010年,专注于豪华住宅及商业项目,包括混合用途塔楼、零售总体规划和购物中心、多住宅公寓、新住宅、室内设计和艺术装置。工作室还通过参与研讨会、客座演讲和学术辅导来提供设计领导力。
Joe Adsett Architects is anaward-winning architecture and interior design studio headquartered inQueensland, Australia. Founded in 2010 by founder Joe Adsett, the studiofocuses on luxury residential and commercial projects, including mixed-usetowers, retail master plans and shopping centers, multi-residential apartments,new homes, interior design and art installations. The studio also providesdesign leadership through workshops, guest lectures, and academic mentoring.

Joe Adsett在2006年毕业于昆士兰科技大学,毕业至今从事设计行业已有十几年。作为一名建筑师,他曾在屡获殊荣的Richard Kirk Architects工作过,期间设计过各种大型公共和私营项目,其中最著名的是澳大利亚广播公司布里斯班总部大楼。Joe Adsett天生的设计和管理技能使他在工作室能够独当一面。他对建筑环境的热情通过他的设计作品得到了证明。

Joe Adsett graduated fromQueensland university of technology in 2006 and has been working in the designindustry for more than a decade. As an architect, he worked for award-winningRichard Kirk Architects, where he designed a variety of large public andprivate projects, most notably the Brisbane headquarters of the Australianbroadcasting corporation. Joe Adsett's natural design and management skillsenable him to work independently in the studio. His passion for the builtenvironment was demonstrated by his designs.

Joe Adsett Architects秉承亚热带现代主义的设计理念,以现代而永恒的方式响应每个项目的独特情况和环境的体系结构,致力于创造出诗意般的豪华住宅。

Joe Adsett Architects iscommitted to creating a poetic luxury residence with a design philosophy ofsubtropical modernism that responds to the unique circumstances andenvironmental architecture of each project in a modern and timeless manner.


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