
合景泰富&同创集团--Kelly Hoppen力作:臻林天汇
禾木木  / 发表于 2021-1-22 15:41:05 |精品样板·严选  / ★外国设计师/美英法




@ 建筑效果图
       To understand a city, start from walking into the park.

@ 建筑效果图

环顾世界,谈及豪宅巅峰,无不与城市景观紧密联系,纽约One 57与中央公园近在咫尺 ,伦敦One Hyde Park与海德公园一墙之隔……地标性都市公园俨然成为豪宅综合实力体现的配置标准。城市发展至今,现代公园不仅作为都市重要组成部分发挥作用,在展现当地的历史风貌以及地域特色方面也扮演着举足轻重的角色。如今,深圳城市绿化覆盖率高达55%,作为深圳历史悠久的城市公园之一,中山公园贡献着不容小觑的力量。都市山林一侧,合景泰富集团携手同创集团,凭借南山区核心自然城市景观资源的中山公园,延续南头古城丰富的渊源文脉,联合四位世界级大师,打造深圳私藏级大师豪宅,礼献经济特区40周年。

Looking around the world and talking about the pinnacle of luxury houses, they are all closely connected with the urban landscape. One 57 in New York is close to Central Park, and One Hyde Park in London is separated from Hyde Park by a wall... The landmark urban park has become the configuration standard for the comprehensive strength of luxury houses. Since the development of the city, modern parks have not only played a role as an important part of the city, but also played a pivotal role in showing the local historical features and regional characteristics. Today, Shenzhen’s urban green coverage rate is as high as 55%. As one of Shenzhen’s historic urban parks, Zhongshan Park contributes an important force. On the side of the urban mountain forest, KWG Group and TOPCHAIN  Group, relying on the Zhongshan Park, the core natural urban landscape resource of Nanshan District, continue the rich heritage of the ancient city of Nantou, and cooperate with four world-class masters to create a private collection-level master mansion in Shenzhen ,  To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Special Economic Zone.

@ 建筑效果图


Zhongshan Park is the oldest park in Shenzhen. It was built in 1925 and has been around for 1995. It is a park dedicated to Dr. Sun Yat-sen and a park with a thousand-year-old ancient wall. Zhenlin Tianhui is built next to Zhongshan Park. It not only has a unique beauty, but also seamlessly connects the two high-value industrial areas in Shenzhen. With its excellent design, it provides master-class residences for the spire elite.

@ 建筑效果图

合景泰富集团深耕地产开发26年,同创也同样实力不俗,臻林天汇作为合景泰富集团和同创集团于深圳南山区联手打造的首个豪宅项目,对标世界领先生活方式,并与四位顶级国际大师合作:亚洲三大建筑事务所之一香港DLN刘荣广、日本国宝级大师小林政彦、设计女王Kelly Hoppen、以及中国设计大师梁志天,力求打造高品质臻系产品。
       KWG Group has been deeply involved in real estate for 26 years, and TOPCHAIN GROUP is equally strong. As the first  luxury project in Nanshan District of KWG and TOPCHAINGroup, Grand Oasis has benchmarked the world's leading lifestyle and has cooperated with four top international masters. Cooperation: Hong Kong DLN Liu Rongguang, one of the three major architectural firms in Asia, Japanese national treasure master Masahiko Kobayashi, design queen Kelly Hoppen, and Chinese design master Liang Zhitian strive to create hign quality products.

        Kelly Hoppen是当今国际上炙手可热的著名室内设计师之一,其标志性的设计融合了东方精确的线条与西方华丽的纹理,和谐地重叠于中性色调之上,创造出闻名于世的、高贵的、戏剧性的和完美的室内环境。

Kelly Hoppen is one of the most popular and famous interior designers in the world today. Its iconic design combines the precise lines of the East and the gorgeous textures of the West, and harmoniously overlaps the neutral tones to create a world-famous, Noble, dramatic and perfect indoor environment.
       臻林天汇项目中,Kelly Hoppen设计了经典、复古、两种独特的风格,每种风格里,都有独特的设计细节,结合精致奢华装饰材质,打造一个宁静奢华的家居空间。
       In Grand Oasis , Kelly Hoppen designed two unique styles: classic and retro. Each style has unique design details, combined with exquisite and luxurious decorative materials, to create a quiet and luxurious home space.

Eternal Elegance

       空间形式代表着一种可触摸可感知的实体存在,蕴含着其内在特有的精神属性。Kelly Hoppen将生活尺度延伸到哲学价值,在设计中结合了“天人合一”哲学思想,强调人与自然的和谐,创造和谐的秩序,让空间里的每一个造型摆设,都是平衡、和谐和创造的有效融合,进而营造整体的感觉。
       The spatial form represents a kind of physical existence that can be touched and perceived, and contains its inherent spiritual attributes. Kelly Hoppen extends the scale of life to philosophical values, combining the philosophy of "Heaven and Man as One" in the design, emphasizing the harmony between man and nature, creating a harmonious order, so that every model in the space is balanced and harmonious ,all are an effective fusion of balance, harmony and creativity ,and creates a sense of wholeness.

@ 样板房实景图

Kelly Hoppen说:“我热爱中性色,中性色容易让人置身其中,感到平静。而我相信每个人都有属于自己的色彩。一件艺术品、一盆有机花卉、一座雕塑,无论是艺术作品,还是流行色彩,它们加入到空间中,就能创造出不同的颜色。”为此,她在室内设计中创建了网格系统,让人们可以在空间中表达自己,融入个性,打造自我的风格。

Kelly Hoppen said: "I love neutral colors. Neutral colors make people feel calm. And I believe that everyone has their own color. A piece of art, a pot of organic flowers, a sculpture, no matter it is Art works are still popular colors. They can be added to the space to create different colors. " For this reason, she created a grid system in the interior design, so that people can express themselves in the space, integrate their personality, and create themselves style .

@ 样板房实景图

Grand Oasis

       家是有生命的居住空间,Kelly Hoppen说:“我希望打造有人性的家居空间,能够承载家庭的美好时光,人们可以在这里真正释放自我。因此我在设计中融入对生活的一种情感和思考。”
       Home is a life living space. Kelly Hoppen said: "I hope to create a humane home space that can carry the good times of the family, where people can truly release themselves. Therefore, I incorporate an emotion and thinking about life in the design. "

@ 样板房实景图

       Kelly Hoppen尤其注重光的设计表达。背光的大理石纹岩板,或嵌入式的条形光照天花板,这些光设计不仅增强了空间感,它们本身也成为了空间的一部分,完成了空间与情感的对话。

       Kelly Hoppen pays special attention to the design expression of light. Backlit marbling stone slab, or embedded strip lighting ceilings, these light designs not only enhance the sense of space, they also become part of the space, completing the dialogue between space and emotion.

@ 样板房实景图

      Kelly Hoppen以低调、奢华、冷静简洁并富有创意的理念,巧妙贯穿在臻林天汇设计之中。通过空间层次、精妙软装、大理石选材以及艺术品搭配,让空间显得沉稳而有温度,呈现出符合世界城市审美的主流现代美学。
       Kelly Hoppen cleverly runs through the design of Grand Oasis with the concept of low-key, luxury, calmness, simplicity and creativity. Through the spatial hierarchy, exquisite soft decoration, marble selection and artwork matching, the space appears calm and warm, presenting the mainstream modern aesthetics in line with the aesthetics of the world's cities.

@ 样板房实景图



项目名称 | 臻林天汇大厦
Project Name | Grand Oasis
业主单位 | 合景泰富集团 & 同创集团
Owner Unit | KWG Group Holdings & TOPCHAIN Group
项目地址 | 广东 深圳
Project Location | Shenzhen, Guangdong
室内设计 | Kelly Hoppen
Interior Design | Kelly Hoppen
合景泰富集团设计团队 | 黄首健、陆剑麟、张之洋、苏维文、徐敏、陈其欣、廖希孟、陈曦
KWG Group Design Team | Huang Shoujian, Lu Jianlin, Zhang Zhiyang, Su Weiwen, Xu Min, Chen Qixin, Liao Ximeng, Chen Xi
同创集团设计团队 | 方怡、郭云明、张碧溪
TOPCHAIN Group Design Team | Fang Yi, Guo Yunming, Zhang Bixi




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bond_007 发表于 2021-1-25 09:49:31 | 显示全部楼层
目下不像是Kelly Hoppen所出,还是照片处理的不好
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