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Jean Louis Deniot--法国的典雅浪漫
禾木木  / 发表于 2021-2-9 12:46:10 |精品样板·严选  / ★外国设计师/美英法




法国著名设计师Jean Louis Deniot是当今最受追捧的国际室内设计师之一,其设计风格独特,折衷主义风格中带有法式的优雅浪漫,他的作品中不乏引人注目的材料和纹理,柔和的色调和完美的灯光。
The famous French designer Jean Louis Deniot is one of today's most sought-after international interior designers, its unique design, romantic and eclectic style with French elegance, his works there is no shortage of compelling materials and textures, soft Tonal and perfect lighting.

Upper East Side

纽约 现代 时尚

Jean Louis Deniot完成了这座位于纽约上东区的联排别墅,别墅里满是定制家具和法国古董。设计师证明了一座具有历史意义的大厦不一定非得是一个时代的作品。几年前搬进来的时候,这对夫妇中,妻子是时尚美容行业的高管,丈夫是纽约的金融家,出身名门望族。他们在Jean-Louis Deniot的帮助下,对这座四层楼带有20个房间的历史珍宝进行了现代化改造,把它变成了一个适合孩子们四处玩耍和娱乐的家。

Jean Louis Deniot completed this townhouse on New York's Upper East Side filled with custom furniture and French antiques. The designers proved that a historic building does not have to be the work of an era. When they moved in a few years ago, the couple's wife was a fashion and beauty executive and the husband was a New York financier from a prominent family. With the help of Jean-Louis Deniot, they modernized the four-story, 20-room historical treasure and turned it into a home for children to roam and entertain.

Jean-Louis Deniot将入口设计为意大利中世纪椅子、法国路易十五执政时代和不同时代的融合。他专门设计了一个楼层平面图,突出了高高的天花板,并将自然光引入建筑的中心。这位设计界的宠儿以其对历史建筑的巧妙处理而闻名。

Jean-louis Deniot designs the entrance as a fusion of the Medieval Italian chair, the Reign of Louis XV of France, and the different ages. He took particular care to design a floor plan that highlighted the high ceilings and brought natural light into the centre of the building. The design darling is known for his skillful handling of historic buildings.

Rue de Rivoli

巴黎 当代 典雅

Jean-Louis Deniot在巴黎著名的里沃利街(Rue de Rivoli)重新构想了一座18世纪的公寓,作为现代主义的避风港。谁说古典建筑和当代艺术不能混为一谈?在巴黎,很少有什么地方能像里沃利大街(Rue de Rivoli)这样散发着帝国时代的优雅气息。里沃利大街是拿破仑创建的一条林荫大道,一边是绿树成荫的杜伊勒里宫(Tuileries),另一边是一排优雅的新古典主义建筑,旁边是临街的购物拱廊。

The designer Jean-Louis Deniot reimagined an 18th-century apartment on the famed Rue DE Rivoli in Paris as a haven for modernism. Who says classical architecture and contemporary art don't mix? Few places in Paris exude as much imperial-era elegance as Rue DE Rivoli. The Rivoli, a tree-lined boulevard created by Napoleon, is flanked on one side by the tree-lined Tuileries and on the other by a row of elegant neoclassical buildings flanked by a street-facing shopping arcade.

这座四层楼高的建筑于19世纪30年代中期完工,由当时的著名建筑师Charles Percier和皮埃尔·方Pierre Fontaine设计于19世纪初。如今,这里的公寓提供了巴黎市中心最壮观的景色,可以俯瞰从协和广场(Place de la Concorde)到卢浮宫的标志性景观。

Completed in the mid-1830s, the four-storey building was designed by the famous architects of the day, Charles Percier and Pierre Fontaine, in the early 19th century. Today, the apartments offer some of the most spectacular views of central Paris, overlooking the iconic view from Place DE la Concorde to the Louvre.

Boulevard Magenta

巴黎 装饰 现代

Jean Louis Deniot完成了位于紫红色的巴黎公寓大道的一座华丽的公寓,从原始的建筑到定制的室内设计、装饰和陈设。

Jean Louis Deniot has completed a gorgeous apartment located on the fuchsia-red Paris Condominium Boulevard, from original architecture to custom interior design, furnishings and furnishings.

Flamingo Drive

迈阿密 特色 时尚

Jean Louis Deniot以750万美元的价格出售了一套位于迈阿密海滩火烈鸟大道(Flamingo Drive)上世纪中叶的豪华公寓,该公寓位于一座建于中世纪的牧场。Deniot先生在迈阿密参与了当地的几个项目,包括Elysee公寓大厦的内部装修。

Jean Louis Deniot sold a midcentury luxury condo on Flamingo Drive in Miami Beach for $7.5 million in a medieval ranch. Mr. Deniot has been involved in several local projects in Miami, including the interior of the Elysee apartment building.

Jean Louis Deniot对这座滨水住宅进行了修复和重新装修,增加了一些壮观的装饰,比如整栋房屋都是定制的水磨石地板,一个大理石台面的早餐角落,一个户外电影放映机,泳池边一个15英尺(约合3米)高的大理石酒吧。他还恢复了房子的一些原有特色,比如下沉式客厅和14英尺高的拱形天花板。

Jean Louis Deniot restored and renovated the waterfront home, adding spectacular additions like custom terrazzo floors throughout the house, a marble countertop breakfast corner, an outdoor movie projector, and a 15-foot marble bar poolside. He also restored some of the house's original features, such as a sunken living room and a 14-foot vaulted ceiling.


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最喜欢的法国室内设计师,路易的风格多变,但唯一不变的是法式奢华和优雅,他的设计处处有惊喜  发表于 2023-3-3 12:10
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